About Us

Curtis and Samantha Lee and their family now own the property and orchard. Along with our customers we wish them success as they have their first season at the Carp Road Orchard.

We have provided a link to their website and they are on social media. We had wonderful followers who we actually knew on Facebook! It was a great way to let you know what we were up to. We really appreciated all the likes, comments and shares.

Randy is growing garlic at our new farm in Almonte and plans to be at the Carp Farmers’ Market for Garlic Festival in August. We will continue to post on Facebook.

The entrance to harvest Moon Orchard.
The entrance to harvest Moon Orchard.

Harvest Moon Orchard was started in 1986 when Randy Maguire planted 500 trees. We now have over 2000 trees on a trellis system including historical varieties such as Wolf River, Tolman Sweet and Snow as well as favourites like McIntosh, Spartan and Cortland along with new varieties like Honey Crisp and Ambrosia.

Harvest Moon Orchard sits nestled on a southern slope of the Carp Ridge running toward the Carp River and Valley. The slope allows cold air drainage which is important to prevent frost damage to the delicate blossoms in Spring. The rich soil and slope of the ridge have proven ideal for the varieties of apples, plums and pears we grow in this northern climate.

Randy & Mary Lynne in the pumpkin house.
Randy & Mary Lynne in the pumpkin house.